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There has been a mystery about who the first inhabitants were, but the history says that the first ones of this planet came from special and native flower. When this flowers grew big enough it turned into a big caterpillar, these animals had big appetites and they ate a lot of the fruit that grew in the north of the planet, near to the craters that form the gas Putso Lente. It is a fruit that you can only find in Tiberius since the gas Putso Lente is only found in there, this fruit is rich in minerals and proteins. After the caterpillar eats this fruit they grow. In about 10 years they into strong, beautiful, illuminant creatures and they only live for ten-thousand years.

These creatures were called Pulcharm Flos. In Latin “Pulcharm” means beautiful and “Flos” means flower, so the two words together mean beautiful flower. The history say that when these creatures went through this process, they remained with a mark of a flower on their body, the type of flower identifies them in the family they belong to and if they belong to the planet and what part of the planet.

The Prurcham Flos, now a day known as Tiberians, there are full of joy and welcome people that sound nice and friendly, since they say that if you get close to bad and unfriendly people you become bad and unfriendly. They were nice and friendly until the invasion of the Amina Jono. The Tiberians had to protect gas Putso Lente, that is fundamental for the live in this planet, after this event they became bad and unfriendly.

In Tiberius, there are two fundamental and counterattack aspects that you have to know to understand the live and the ecosystems of this planet. On one hand, we have that the gravity is 20 times higher than Earth’s gravity, but on the other hand they have gas Putso Lente that counteracts some of the effect by acting like an inverse force to the gravity and permits the movement of the living thing. The gas Putso Lente is the base of the life in the ecosystem of this planet, you can compare it to water and oxygen on planet Earth, without these elements there wouldn’t be live on planet Earth. The ecosystem that we find in Tiberius is a 70% land and only a 30% water. On the land the plants with variety of colors specially in the zones near the craters located on the of the planet, near the center and the south the color red predominates from the leaves and the colors green and blue from the flowers.

The animals in this planet are reptiles and they are totally vegetarian and their color depends directly on their food, the average live of any reptile is of 800 years and their process of reproduction varies from 100 and 200 years.

As to plants they have in general little diversity of colors, the predominant colors are orange, blue, and green form the flowers and green for the stem and leaves, except for the flowers that are located in the surroundings of the craters on the north of the planet, the flowers that gave live to the first forms of life on this planet, this flowers specifically are only found in Tiberius 

Biomes and ecosystems

Plants and creatures

A 70% of planet Tiberius is land, on land the predominant creatures are the land animals in its majority they are reptiles, they don’t have legs and if they have legs they are very small so they are no very high but some can measure up to ten feet of height. There are not a lot of aquatic animals and there isn’t a big variety of algae, that are the reptile’s favorite food. The plants in aquatic live forms in planet Tiberius are ugly but very tasty. There were lots of fish when the Tiberians started to come alive, or as the they were known Pulchram Flos, there were lots of fish in the water. The creatures did not eat the fish since they were so ugly, they thought that because they looked bad they also tasted bad, but they were wrong because the fish are one of the best tasting fish. They learned that you should not judge a book by its cover, which means that you should think something about something or someone by how they look but you should judge them by how they are inside. This fish are almost extinct because they were eaten.

 When these animals are 100% vegetarian and their color depends directly on the color of the food that contemplates their diets. The plants that we find in Tiberius, are only trees, their trunk is very thick and the leaves are small so it wins the force of gravity so strong that exist in planet Tiberius. You can notice the leafy bushes. But the plant that is known the must and it is precious for the Tiberians it is flower that is found only in the north part of the flower near the craters that form gas Putso Lente, that is gas that is only found in Tiberius and planets near Tiberius are fighting over the gas. But if Tiberius runs out of this gas the live forms will not exist anymore. 

A 70% of planet Tiberius is land, on land the predominant creatures are the land animals in its majority they are reptiles, they don’t have legs and if they have legs they are very small so they are no very high but some can measure up to ten feet of height. There are not a lot of aquatic animals and there isn’t a big variety of algae, that are the reptile’s favorite food. The plants in aquatic live forms in planet Tiberius are ugly but very tasty. There were lots of fish when the Tiberians started to come alive, or as the they were known Pulchram Flos, there were lots of fish in the water. The creatures did not eat the fish since they were so ugly, they thought that because they looked bad they also tasted bad, but they were wrong because the fish are one of the best tasting fish. They learned that you should not judge a book by its cover, which means that you should think something about something or someone by how they look but you should judge them by how they are inside. This fish are almost extinct because they were eaten.

 When these animals are 100% vegetarian and their color depends directly on the color of the food that contemplates their diets. The plants that we find in Tiberius, are only trees, their trunk is very thick and the leaves are small so it wins the force of gravity so strong that exist in planet Tiberius. You can notice the leafy bushes. But the plant that is known the must and it is precious for the Tiberians it is flower that is found only in the north part of the flower near the craters that form gas Putso Lente, that is gas that is only found in Tiberius and planets near Tiberius are fighting over the gas. But if Tiberius runs out of this gas the live forms will not exist anymore. 

Plants and creatures


The Religion in Tiberius in part is like planet Earth’s religion, they have their god. Before the fish started to become extinct they ate fish and vegetables but when the fish started to become extinct made a promise to become vegetarian and in fact they did. They celebrate the creation of the flower that started the Tiberian’s life every two years. They make a massive party and with lots of music and fancy decorations and lots of people.

They believe that the creation of the Tiberians come from the flower, that grows on the north of the planet near the craters that produce gas Putso Lente this gas is only found in Tiberius and people have been fighting over this gas, and the caterpillar that eats the flower that is only found on the north of the planet near the. Raters that form gas Putso Lente, for what they give a lot of tribute to this flower.


The history of the Tiberians is written in Latin, that is why people suspect that their native language was Latin. From the invasion of planet Amina Jono, because they wanted gas Putso Lente, the history starts to be written every time more in English, the historians would have found clues that indicate that they had lots of difficulties to communicate with the living things of other planets, since to communicate the planet used the language known as English. They also had and invasion and to communicate with the enemies they had to learn English, so they could communicate to other planets. Now a day their main languages are English and Latin.


The Tiberians were in need of going in the search of looking for what we call on Earth technological advances, they should look for the way to maintain the control of the enemies (living things of the other planets) that were looking to invade them in a look for their precious gas, that is only found in Tiberius.

They also had to locate the comets really fast that are used in special events like the president’s birthday, Christmas/New Year, and the queen and king’s birthday.

For this reason, they were in a need to invent an equipment that will permit them to see things that were found in long distances even things that are found in outer space. It is an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer than what they appear, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified. With this equipment today in the earth has been able to realize diverse studies in the universe. This fantastic equipment is the telescope.



There exist two powers in the government and they are clearly divided their function, the president and the king and king. The president is the person in charge of   the laws of the work and the king and queen are in charge of the laws that refer to the things you have to do and their rights of the citizens.

In the history of Tiberius there hasn’t been any problems in between the two powers and people have very happy with the government.

Economy and Trade

Tiberius has been known for its gas Putso Lente but they lack beans. So planet tiberius has to trade with the other planets gas Putso Lente, wood and flowers. You might think that flowers are not good fro trading but it is the second larges item that is traded for, after gas Putso Lente being the first one and the wood being the third one.

The Pulchram Flos’s music is based on what they like. They invented this song because they thought they need a traditional song to specie up their parties

Art and music

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